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Air Force Acquisition leadership hosts Digital Materiel Management sidebar with industry partners at Air, Space, and Cyber Conference

Gen Duke Richardson, Commander of Air Force Materiel Command, and Hon Andrew Hunter, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, hosted a sidebar meeting with industry leaders at this year’s Air and Space Force Association Air, Space, and Cyber Conference.

Gen Richardson shared our whitepaper on Digital Materiel Management to set the context.

Digital Materiel Management

“To fully succeed with DMM, and to ensure we’re collectively delivering warfighting capability at the pace our nation needs, we know we must do more. We must integrate and collaborate more seamlessly in digital approaches, we must modernize the tools and environments to better connect, and we must accelerate our interactions and acquisition processes.

While we already do ‘digital’ together to some degree, it’s too episodic on select topics and programs. HON Hunter and I are committed to establishing a more consistent and scalable enterprise approach. I invite your companies to join HON Hunter, me, Brig Gen (s) Erik Quigley, and several members of our DMM team next week at AFA for a short initial discussion to get after a new approach.”

Gen Duke Richardson

During the sidebar session, Gen Richardson and Hon Hunter shared the Air Force’s plan on pursuing a more formalized industry consortium and welcomed input from our industry partners on potential focus areas. The links below include the slides presented at this meeting as well as a summary product that describes the discussions held.


Meeting Summary

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